Thorfinn’s Nightmare – Vinland Saga S2 Ep 9 Review

Thorfinn falls into the abyss and finds Askeladd there waiting. Thors tries to remind his son Thorfinn that he has no enemies in life.

Vinland Saga delivers another amazing episode during season 2! Askeladd coming to talk some sense into Thorfinn while stuck in the afterlife was a marvelous sight to see!

Read Last Week’s Episode Review.

Thorfinn’s Nightmare

For months now, Thorfinn has been having the same dream which by morning turns into a nightmare. However, he couldn’t remember what was happening until now.

Askeladd looks down on the Norse warrior's mindless fighting on a high pillar just as he had done in his waking life
Askeladd looks down on the Norse warrior’s mindless fighting on a high pillar just as he had done in his waking life

I do wonder if each time Thorfinn fell through the earth and into the inescapable realm where Norse Warriors too tainted to reach Valhalla reside, Askeladd was there trying to will him back to reality?

Because if you noticed – Askeladd wasn’t standing in the waters of chaos below them – he was high on a pillar, almost as if he could climb out anytime he wanted. Askeladd was just watching the chaotic Norse warriors who turned into zombies during their final hours.

I guess Bjorn was there fighting amongst the laughing crowd because he died in an act of revenge against Askeladd for his betrayal. Technically I personally don’t view that as dishonorable, but I guess dueling for such a petty reason means Bjorn didn’t make it to Valhalla.

It seems Bjorn never overcame the rage from his last fight while trying to secure Prince Canute from Thorkell
It seems Bjorn never overcame the rage from his last fight while trying to secure Prince Canute from Thorkell

I wonder if it’s because Thorfinn lost his temper and cracked the farmhand in the face that he can now remember his dream. After all, Einar even stopped waking him up and he still couldn’t remember. Since Thorfinn saw his father Thors in the dream and walking in a golden field upon waking up and declaring his new intentions, I doubt Thorfinn will have that ‘nightmare’ or see Askeladd there anymore.

Thors Talks to Thorfinn

It has been abundantly clear that Thors never wanted Thorfinn to live the life of a warrior.

Thorfinn becoming a slave is honestly what saved him from becoming a mindless warrior for life
Thorfinn becoming a slave is honestly what saved him from becoming a mindless warrior for life

Thors’ line about “smelling blood” on the blade Thors left Thorfinn to protect himself was used for hatred and senseless killings in other men’s wars. Thors ran away from the Jomsviking because he realized being a father was more important than dying in needless battles.

Thors was even the type of man Askeladd originally wanted to follow: a true warrior who could fight without picking up a sword.

During the dream sequence, Thors was in Vinland hanging out with a lamb. As Thorfinn realizes his life hasn’t been a dream but a brutal nightmare, the scenery changes and both Thorfinn and Thors have bodies clinging to them.

I don’t know if it was a testament to the type of man Thors was, or just because Thorfinn had killed so many people raiding with Askeladd in England – but Thors wasn’t dragged down by his sins.

Thors chose not to let his sins drag him down in life, whereas Thorfinn is drowning in the bodies of those he's slain
Thors chose not to let his sins drag him down in life, whereas Thorfinn is drowning in the bodies of those he’s slain

Only Thorfinn was.

Askeladd has made peace with what he’s done and gave Thorfinn the necessary advice he needed to find a way to live outside of the warrior life.

Askeladd told Thorfinn he only escaped the fate of fighting like a mindless zombie because he was empty. Meaning, if Thorfinn was never sold into slavery for striking Prince Canute, he most likely would still be fighting and running on rage to this day.

Thorfinn Starts A New Life

I’m really glad that Thorfinn has decided to start a new life.

Under the direction of Sverkel and influence from his friendship with Einar, Thorfinn can carve out a new life on Ketil’s farm.

I’m not saying I want him to be a slave forever; the quiet of the farm and the time he needed to think, process, and learn new skills after 11 years of nonstop warfare in his life was much needed for Thorfinn’s development as a person.

There’s something about just being quiet and standing on the earth with your hands covered in dirt that makes you feel at peace. You noticed things you never did, and can actually hear all of the life around you.

I’d imagine that’s what Thorfinn is experiencing now, and I’m glad I can watch and talk about his journey with all of you. ☺

But, tell me your thoughts.

It's nice seeing Thorfinn smile and be happy for a change. Even if it is just a dream
It’s nice seeing Thorfinn smile and be happy for a change. Even if it is just a dream

Do you think Thorfinn will dream about his father any more?

Will life on Ketil’s farm be easier now that the farmhands have been dealt with?


Did Einar and Thorfinn get any more wheat seeds to plant for the season?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, we’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode Reviews and Discussions!    


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☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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