A Plot to EXPEL Ayanokoji? – Classroom of the Elite S3 Ep 7 Review

Sakayanagi uses Yamauchi in her ploy to get Ayanokoji expelled. Horikita takes one step toward dismantling her big brother complex.

So it would seem that Sakayanagi has gone back on her declaration of a truce between her and Ayanokoji, as she is now using Class C’s weakest link Yamauchi to do her bidding and expel Ayanokoji…

Check out last week’s Classroom of the Elite S3 Ep 6 review.

Classroom of the Elite Season 3 Episode 7 Review

Maxim of the Week:

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. [One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.]

Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99

Sakayanagi Wants Ayanokoji Expelled?

Okay I will admit it, I am actually disappointed that Sakayanagi is playing dirty and underhandedly decided to use Yamauchi. It’s not even so much that Sakayanagi used him for this purpose right now, but that Sakayanagi made this whole song and dance over putting their feud on hold until the special exam was over.

I guess Sakayanagi thought she could kill two birds with one stone by getting rid of the Katsuragi faction within her own class and then Ayanokoji, who would be a challenge to her intellect in their grade, but why lie about it?

It’s not a Kushida level of lying and I understand that as the chairman’s daughter, she probably does gather intel sooner than the rest of the students, but…she looks absolutely crazy now for suggesting Ayanokoji might get expelled and then claiming she will have nothing to do with it.

Technically, it was Yamauchi who carried out the actions but Sakayanagi put the bug in his ear to do so. While I’m no Yamauchi fan and I believe he probably deserves to be manipulated like that if he couldn’t see through his own ego that Sakayanagi would never want him…there has to be a bigger play at hand, no?

Sakayanagi did all of that extra nonsense last time and almost destroyed Class B and Ichinose just to get Ayanokoji’s attention. Now Sakayanagi tried to turn all of Class C against Ayanokoji and if most people could put two and two together, it’s pretty obvious that it was Sakayanagi again – a similar fashion to the rumors, the only difference being Ayanokoji wasn’t in on it this time.

There has to be a deeper goal at hand here – maybe to test Ayanokoji’s friends and alliances? Because it seems like Ayanokoji reached out to Ryuen and then Horikita to put the plan in motion to expose Yamauchi as Sakayanagi’s puppet.

Suzune Conquers her Big Brother Complex?

If I can be completely honest, I don’t really remember why Manabu has such utter disdain for his little sister. I vaguely remember season one touching on the fact that he was embarrassed she wound up in Class D, but that’s it.

Have the two siblings really not spoken but once in 3 years despite most likely seeing each other every week at school? Why is Suzune even so nervous around him, is her self-esteem really that low when it comes to her brother?

Ayanokoji said that Suzune needs to overcome her brother complex, and it would be great if she would stop comparing herself to Manabu and grow into her own self and identity separate from him. But either way, I think I’m going to end this one here.

Tell me your thoughts – does Sakayanagi have yet another bigger plan at play here? Will Yamauchi get expelled instead? Why is Kushida afraid of Sakayanagi?


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☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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