Another Secret Exam? – Classroom of the Elite S3 Ep 6 Review

A surprise special exam forces the students to vote on expelling a classmate unnecessarily. Ayanokoji’s father is apparently looming in the distance again, searching for his runaway son.

I don’t know why Ayanokoji’s father wants his son to be expelled from the Advanced Nurturing School so badly in order to return to the White Room, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Or at least, hopefully it doesn’t.

Check out last week’s Classroom of the Elite S3 Ep 5 review.

Classroom of the Elite Season 3 Episode 6 Review

Maxim of the Week:

“It is better to receive an injury than to inflict one.”

Cicero, “Tusculan Disputations”

Who Will Be Expelled from Classes A, B, C and D?

Out of the frying pan and into the fire with another special exam, huh?

And this time, it’s blatant cheating.

Before Sakayanagi said something, I had actually assumed she went to petition her chairman father for another special exam or something just to expel Ayanokoji only to later realize that wouldn’t make sense. That’s not how Sakayanagi operates and as she mentioned to Ayanokoji, this expulsion exam gives her a chance to completely defeat the Katsuragi faction in Class A for good.

Although Ryuen appears to be accepting defeat and a potential expulsion, his choice of literature in the library says otherwise. Ryuen was reading Darakuron or “Discourse on Decadence” by Ango Sakaguchi, which apparently focuses on the role of Bushido (samurai moral conduct) after the war.

Seeing as how the beatdown by Ayanokoji and loss of status within the old Class C could be attributed to Ryuen losing the war, he’s trying to plan his next move before completely giving up. His will to not abandon the fight really came through when he was putting Suzune in her place, as per usual.

Which speaking of Suzune – why hasn’t she developed a better poker face yet?

Suzune was literally on her high horse looking down on Ryuen and gloating about an expulsion that hadn’t even happened yet. Ryuen accurately calls her bluff on not being able to sacrifice whoever in their class during the exam, and Suzune has the nerve to do a surprised Pikachu face?

I literally rolled my eyes after that scene. I’m with Ayanokoji – I want Ryuen to stay a little bit longer.

If Kei’s intel is correct, people are making arbitrary groups based on whom they can trust. Ayanokoji’s study group made a vote pact, and I’m sure that is how others are forming.

I would not be surprised if whoever is an outlier to the current groups (or who ends up getting on everybody’s nerves) ends up being expelled despite not truly being the weakest in Class C.

Also, I don’t know why Nagumo is being slimier than usual and basically blackmailing Ichinose into dating him in regards to some (perceived) issue with her being the point bank, but I’m glad Ayanokoji picked up on something being wrong.

I just don’t know if there is anything that he can do to help her, at this point. Unless, Ichinose has a secret plan to save herself…

Anyway, this episode was mainly set up so I’m going to end the review here.

But – tell me your thoughts: Do you think Ryuen has a secret plan to save himself from expulsion? Why won’t Suzune face her brother? Does Ayanokoji’s dad really have enough influence to temporarily shut the school down?


Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, we’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more Classroom of the Elite Season 3 Reviews and Discussions!      

☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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