The Late Heroes of Shiganshina – Attack on Titan S4 Ep 16 Review

This is a review for Episode Sixteen of Attack on Titan Season 4, the Final Season Part 1 Finale. Titled “Above and Below” (Or, “Heaven and Earth”).

Check out last week’s episode review here

I’m actually sitting here smiling right now. 

It’s funny that I already read the manga and know how the Revenge for Liberio – War for Paradis Arc essentially ends, but just now I still spun around in my computer chair annoyed that it ended there. 

What a cliffhanger we’ll be on until Winter 2022. 

That’s some damn good writing, though. 

I blame the OST for hyping up the Reiner vs. Eren fight scene along with Marley invading. 

Also, can I just say that I love the (more obvious addition) of Porco infiltrating the Survey Corps and the rooftop scene with Pieck and Gabi? 

Pieck signals to Porco that she has made contact with the Founding Titan, Eren. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 16
Pieck signals to Porco that she has made contact with the Founding Titan, Eren. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 16

It makes so much more sense than in the manga where it seemed like the Jaw Titan just randomly showed up to bite Eren.  I remember reading that and being like “where the hell did Porco come from?” 

(Also love the shot of Survey Corps/Yeagerist simping for cute girl Pieck. Never change Isayama. Never.) 

Oh, that Pieck though. 

In the manga, I couldn’t tell if she was lying to Eren or not. In the anime, I still couldn’t tell if her words were genuine. Haha. 

I guess she somehow heard and took Pixis’ advice to Yelena of mixing in some truth to tell a good lie. 

I know her father really was/still is sick (the anime adaptation added a little detail around episode 2 or 3 I think where Pieck is going to greet her father and he coughs – meaning he’s still unwell despite her becoming a warrior) and most likely will still die soon after she’s gone. 

Pieck’s father could even go a little faster as Bertholdt’s father did, and die of a broken heart – which again we learned about before Willy’s ill-fated theatre production in Marley. 

She was being genuine though when she mentioned not trusting Zeke.  

(☛ Sasuga, Pieck-chan! ☚ echoes in the distance) 

Remember this scene during the Raid on Liberio? Pieck is still onto you, Zeke. Attack on Titan Season 4, Part 1 Finale
Remember this scene during the Raid on Liberio? Pieck is still onto you, Zeke. – Attack on Titan Season 4, Part 1 Finale

Because despite what Zeke thinks, he is a pretty terrible liar at times due to various miscalculations and inflation of his own intelligence due to ego.  

(Reminder: I don’t like Zeke 😄) 

Zeke and Armin have that in common.  

Thinking that the enemy wants to hear one thing and it working, then trying the same thing in the wrong place at the wrong time – forcing the enemy to call out their insincerity. 

The same thing happened between Bertholdt and Armin during the Retake of Shiganshina District in Season 3. And now I CANNOT WAIT for the meme-worthy face Yelena is going to give Armin in part 2 of the anime.  

Nothing makes me happier than seeing both Zeke and Armin being trolled. 

It will be so worth the wait for (those) moments, alone. 

Also, props to our Chaos Goddess for popping Griez in the skull one good time for insulting Sasha’s memory. So if anyone was still on the fence on whether or not Niccolo cared for Sasha, he surely did love the girl. 

I am still wondering through why Griez called her specifically a “Potato-grubbing” devil woman. Did he hear the potato story from Reiner?  

(the walls are awfully thin in Marley – haha)  

Did Niccolo cook lots of potatoes for Sasha at first before introducing her to other Marleyan cuisine?  

Did he, Griez, personally witness Sasha Braus eating a potato and realized she was an Eldian Devil then and there? 

The world will never know. 

(Wish we did, though. 😁) 

Oh and let’s not forget the badass scene between Pieck and Eren while she has a gun pointed at his skull. I really do wish we got more of their banter in the series.  

(Is that a spoiler? I don’t really think so. Pieck will even later say that Eren is not her friend so…whatever. ) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Glad Pieck was able to snap some agency back into Gabi, who had become an NPC these past few episodes due to her sheer terror of Eren.  

(The Eren Yeager she boarded an airship to kill. The same Eren that she escaped jail to eliminate after sitting for days like a weirdo curled up in a ball repeating his name in a murderous fury a la Arya Stark’s nighttime prayer/kill list.) 

That will never not be funny to me.  

Not even funny in like a “ha ha” type of way, but just the sheer poetic irony that Gabi is not tough unless she has a rifle in her hand.  

Which…is smart. 

Taking on the Attack and Founding Titan that destroyed your hometown along with hundreds of people loyal to him on an enemy island? Not smart to attack. 

Having a gun and being an NPC with aimbot enabled? Much better odds. 

But let me stop with the spoilers before someone decides to try and flog me on Twitter or the comment section. 

I swear I could say Eren breathes next season and people would complain about spoilers. 

Hmm I’m forgetting something. 

Oh, yeah. Zeke’s (temporary) death and our first glimpse of Ymir Fritz in Attack on Titan

Exciting things will happen there. 

I’m really digging that flowers were drawn around Zeke’s face as he perished. 

Zeke Yeager dies in a beautiful field of flowers. Attack on Titan Season 4, Part 1 Finale
Zeke Yeager dies in a beautiful field of flowers. Attack on Titan Season 4, Part 1 Finale

That is a sort of calling card or symbol that Isayama has been doing for some time now in the anime adaptation.  

Either when a titan transforms there are flowers, or when a character truly dies there are flowers and it’s usually beautiful.  

Well, beautiful scenery for the important characters, anyway. 

Zombie Premier Darius Zackly from Shingeki no Kyojin manga Chapter 110.
Zombie Premier Darius Zackly from Shingeki no Kyojin manga Chapter 110.

Oh no, I’ve said too much. Time to go. Haha 😄. 

There’s still going to be Attack on Titan content on the website, as I’ve decided to write a few theories along with a re-read and re-watch of certain parts of the series.  

So if you’re interested…stick around for that. 

★ Now, question time: 

How did Pieck infiltrate Paradis without being detected by The Yeagerist?  

Did Porco and Pieck get a good cover story of where “they were from” from Reiner? Or, did Eren know the whole time and not say anything? (as evidenced by the ‘cart titan tracks’ line) 

What do you think about the different colored armbands for the military officers who drank Zeke’s spinal fluid-laced wine?  

And to quote the late-great Erwin Smith: “Who do you think the real enemy is?” 

Pieck sheds some light on Zeke Yeager's true intentions for Eren. Attack on Titan Season 4, Episode 16
Pieck sheds some light on Zeke Yeager’s true intentions for Eren. Attack on Titan Season 4, Episode 16

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more  Attack on Titan the Final Season Part 2 reviews in Winter 2022!  

We are also creating AOT-inspired merchandise for fellow fans, drop by our Redbubble store if you have a chance – you get cool gear, and it helps support the blog!   

Recommended: (spoilers) Hallucigenia – the Primordial Spinal Creature from Attack on Titan – Anime Anthology 

Latest AoT Theory: Was Zeke Targeted by Tom Ksaver to Inherit the Beast Titan? 

Recent Shingeki no Kyojin manga review: ch 138 

次のエピソード: The War for Paradis

☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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