Ayanokoji Out of His Element? – Classroom of the Elite S3 Ep 1 Review

Sakayanagi declares she will destroy Ayanokoji after neutralizing Ichinose. Kushida threatens to get Suzune expelled. And now student council president Horikita Manabu actually needs help?

Classroom of the Elite is back with Season 3 and it did not disappoint! We get straight into the drama, so come discuss the episode with us in the comment section! ☺

Classroom of the Elite Season 3 Episode 1 Review

Wow, and we immediately start off the season with plotting, scheming, and backstabbing! I’ve missed this show so much ☺.  Lots of topics to discuss including the overarching plotline for this season, so let’s start with my favorite character to rag on – Kushida Kikyo.

Maxim of the Week:

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.

written by Mary Ann Evans under her penname George Eliot

Horikita Tries to Reason with Kushida

Okay, I know virtually no real time seems to have passed between the two seasons and except for Ryuen becoming a pariah in Year 2 and Class D moving up to become Class C, but can Horikita get it together and get some sense regarding Kushida?

Kushida Kikyo is a psychopath. She is not worth saving. She is not trustworthy. Kushida will do what she did in middle school again without question to self-destruct Class C if things don’t go her way.

So, with all of that in mind – why on earth does Suzune think that she can reason with her? Ayanokoji was right to want to just take her out – Kushida needs to be expelled. While I do applaud Suzune for delegating the girl’s group leadership responsibilities with Kushida (because she is self-aware enough to realize that she really doesn’t have the personality or class trust for the role) and adding Kushida to her group to keep an eye on her, Suzune is essentially toying with a starving dog.

Yes, Kushida will play along for now (as she stated) but given her trusted status in the class, this plan could backfire very quickly on Suzune and nobody would defend her character otherwise should Kushida decide to “spread lies” or slander her. It would be prudent for Suzune to try and make friends with some of the girls but given her prickly nature and Suzune possessing a social capacity like that of a wooden block – I doubt that will happen.

Sakayanagi Targets Class B’s Ichinose

Despite the subtle hints of potential villain vibes in the future, I really do like Ichinose as a character. She seems genuinely nice, and not in a fake psychotic way like Kushida.

When Sakayanagi casually told Ayanokoji that she would destroy him I almost forgot that she apparently knew the secret of the White Room. Despite this, she put that on the backburner in order to target and destabilize the now-stronger Class B.

You know, I knew something was up since in this episode every time we saw Ichinose she was smiling and even had happy theme music playing in the background. Like the production team is really trying to hammer home thematically how good of a person Ichinose appears to be on the surface, especially with clips of her supporting and comforting Mei Yu after a run; just for Sakayanagi to bring up Ichinose being Class B’s point bank.

Then I remembered Ichinose telling Ayanokoji that she heard membership to Class A can be brought if you have enough points, before Sakayanagi tells Ayanokoji that everybody has a light and dark side as they both stand in the shadows at sundown.

Beautiful scene – narratively and visually speaking.

Sakayanagi vs Ayanokoji this Season?

If going by the end credits is anything, it seems like COTE Season 3 will focus on issues between the classes, personal growth, and setting the board for the ultimate chess match between Ayanokoji and Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi was the white queen while Ayanokoji seemed to be the black bishop.

In chess, Sakayanagi would have the first move (in this case, striking the heart of Class B, Ichinose down) and if the bishop can overcome her, he’d win the game. Ayanokoji also had a pawn in his hand to sacrifice and did that handgun motion like he’d blow his own brains out and sacrifice himself – which has to be some sort of strategy, since we know from the end of season one that all Ayanokoji cares about is winning.

I’m wondering, given the revelation that Manabu wants repayment for the Ryuen fight favor in the form of Ayanokoji taking out Nagumo, if this will somehow work into Ayanokoji’s strategy to subtly control this current exam from the shadows.

Only time will tell…but did you enjoy our first episode back? Do you think Sakayanagi will successfully take down Ichinose? Will Suzune using Kushida backfire?

次のエピソード: Classroom of the Elite Season 3 Episode 2 review

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☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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