Children of the Forest – Attack on Titan S4 Ep 13 Review

This is a review of Episode Thirteen of Attack on Titan Season 4, the Final Season. Titled “Children of the Forest”.

Check out last week’s episode review here

Damnit, they got me. 

Sasha and Niccolo brought those long-awaited tears to my eyes. 

I thought seeing this animated would make me cry, as in the manga I was very upset after these scenes. Oddly enough, as I’ve mentioned like three times now, Chapters 109 and 111 in the manga are my absolute favorite.  

This episode covered the remainder of 111 essentially, with a scene from earlier in the manga concerning Zeke and Levi’s convo about Ragako. 

The only thing…I kind of wish they included Zeke’s scene with Kiyomi calling himself the “True Eldian Restorationist”. It would have made more sense than when he causally tells Levi “Marley would have known I was a Restorationist” if he hadn’t murdered Connie’s entire village one beautiful spring day. 

Zeke tells Kiyomi that he is the "True Eldian Restorationist" in chapter 107. His glasses are clear because he is telling the truth, in his own mind, that is...From the Shingeki no Kyojin manga
Zeke tells Kiyomi that he is the “True Eldian Restorationist” in chapter 107. His glasses are clear because he is telling the truth, in his own mind, that is…From the Shingeki no Kyojin manga

Zeke’s glasses immediately going foggy after this when asking to meet with Eren would have made him even more shady than he is now. 

I don’t know.  

I already mentioned I don’t like Zeke.  

We have one more chapter left of the manga, and my feelings haven’t changed regarding him. I understand why he did the things he did, but I just can’t support it. 

Speaking of not faking the funk, can I finally admit that I don’t like the Survey Corps anymore? Especially since we’re at this point in the anime…can I be honest without getting a ton of hate? 

I can’t stand Armin. I can’t stand Hange. I’m on the fence with Mikasa. I tolerate Connie. 

Jean is the only one I like, because he’s not a complete idiot. 

I mean my gosh, Hange and the crew are so behind! It’s embarrassing. 

Hange’s too busy running around like a chicken with their head cut off to notice what’s happening around her. Or rather, right beneath her nose. 

And before anyone writes me a dissertation, I know, I know – Hange was not suited for this. 

She even admitted that Erwin made a mistake naming her commander before his death. 

Had it been a different time, I’m sure Hange could have flourished as commander. She’s a scientist at heart, and a mad one at that.  

Hange is not a leader, and it’s really starting to show. 

Also, coming from the last chapter let’s just say it’s really nice to see that all of the chances a certain character had to change truly did go to waste.  

It’s almost comical, really. 

They can all die as far as I’m concerned. Screw it. Haha. Ah – am I laughing because I’m upset or because I’m in pain? I can never tell while indulging in this series.  

Maybe that’s why I like it so much.  

It makes the reader and viewer actually feel something beyond shallow shock-factor like most media nowadays.  

I have to really evaluate my world view while watching this anime. 

Anywho, what about that King Floch ♛ entrance? What about that Eren entrance? 

The WWE match should be fun to watch next week. 

I’m going to wrap this one up, as I have to go to bed early tonight. 

Before I go, I just wanted to say I’m glad that: 

  1. Mappa actually saved what minuscule budget they are still using to animate Attack on Titan for these scenes at the restaurant. Don’t get me wrong, not hating on the animators blahblahblah but – can we honestly admit the quality has dropped as we reach the finale of this season? (or part 1? Still have no clue what’s going on with that.) 
  1. The decision was made to change how Kaya charged at Gabi.  

In the manga, Mikasa kind of cradles Gabi in her Arms and grabs Kaya’s arm before Gabi even knew what hit her.  

In the manga, Kaya was pretty far off from murdering Gabi. Given the subject of that chapter, I thought it was cool that Mikasa being an adult (or well, late teen) just stopped this knife-wielding child from killing another child with one hand. Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 111.
In the manga, Kaya was pretty far off from murdering Gabi. Given the subject of that chapter, I thought it was cool that Mikasa being an adult (or well, late teen) just stopped this knife-wielding child from killing another child with one hand. Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 111.

In the anime, they let the knife get a lot closer to Gabi’s head, and she fully saw and acknowledged it. 

Kaya gets a lot closer to stabbing Gabi in the anime. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 13
Kaya gets a lot closer to stabbing Gabi in the anime. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 13

Loved that touch. 


It was a tight race between Niccolo, Eren and Floch for who I'd use as a thumbnail. Since I used Eren last week…I decided to go with Niccolo. He sets the tone of the episode more than Floch trolling the Survey Corps (even though I absolutely love this image haha) - Attack on Titan Season 4
It was a tight race between Niccolo, Eren and Floch for who I’d use as a thumbnail. Since I used Eren last week…I decided to go with Niccolo. He sets the tone of the episode more than Floch trolling the Survey Corps (even though I absolutely love this image haha) – Attack on Titan Season 4

I already know how I feel about this, but were Niccolò and Sasha in love? 

Was Mr. Braus right to forgive Gabi and lecture the Survey Corps and Niccolo about the ‘letting the children out of the forest’ analogy? 

(Why didn’t Annie kill Armin in season 1? 😏) 

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more weekly Attack on Titan the Final Season reviews!

We are also creating AOT-inspired merchandise for fellow fans, drop by our Redbubble store if you have a chance – you get cool gear, and it helps support the blog!   

Recommended: (spoilers) Hallucigenia – the Primordial Spinal Creature from Attack on Titan – Anime Anthology 

Recent Shingeki no Kyojin manga reviewch 138

次のエピソード: Yet You Understand Nothing

☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Extras I wanted to add it but they didn’t really fit with the review:

Mr. Braus teaches a young Sasha how to hunt. Shingeki no Kyojin manga ch 111
Mr. Braus teaches a young Sasha how to hunt. Shingeki no Kyojin manga ch 111

Mr. Braus teaching Sasha to hunt in a single frame flashback from the manga.

And…what Sasha really meant to Niccolo.

Sasha became Niccolo's reason for living during the war...Shingeki no Kyojin manga ch 111
Sasha became Niccolo’s reason for living during the war…Shingeki no Kyojin manga ch 111

Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

2 thoughts on “Children of the Forest – Attack on Titan S4 Ep 13 Review”

  1. Can I ask what specifically do you dislike about Armin nowadays? I thought he was great this episode the short time he was in the screen with his words to Gabi about all she thinks being “kill, kill, kill” completely guestioning and destroying Gabi’s worldview there while not resorting to violence himself. He might have done a big part there in paving the way for her to change her worldviews.

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