Power and Meowy – Chainsaw Man Ep 3 Review

Denji is tricked into rescuing Power’s cat Meowy from the Bat Devil. After the devil betrays Power, Denji decides to rescue his ungrateful fiend teammate.

If Power’s sad backstory about losing Meowy to the Bat Devil was supposed to make me care about her character, it failed.  

Check out Last Week’s Episode Review

At this point in time, I kind of dislike both Power and Hayakawa Aki.  

I mean the bar is literally set so low for the people entering Denji’s life that I can’t help but hope that one day they’ll ‘get better’ as the story progresses.  

Power is a fiend who was revealed to be living as the Blood Devil until recently. Makima apparently caught her during a search for Meowy and basically put Power on house arrest until Denji came along.

What on earth did Makima do to Power to make her so afraid of the supposedly normal head of Public Safety? 

Why Is Power Afraid Of Makima? 

Is Makima secretly pulling the strings and controlling everyone in Public Safety?
Is Makima secretly pulling the strings and controlling everyone in Public Safety?

Given that Power is this boastful and all-powerful fiend who can make any desired object out of blood, I don’t get why Power is so afraid of Makima. When told to calm down after her incident of killing a devil marked by the human division of Public Safety, Power immediately flinches and listens to Makima’s command.  

It’s like Makima uttering the command to calm down shook Power to her core and forced her to obey the order.  

Is Power THAT afraid of Makima killing her despite already being technically half-dead if the Blood Devil is now a fiend? Or maybe Power was originally brought to the brink of death after encountering Makima in the field and hunted into submission after being given the same “join or die” option as Denji? 

I’m willing to bet Power is afraid of Makima because either: Makima killed the Blood Devil, or Makima has some sort of special abilities not yet revealed. 

Do Devils Really Hate Humans? 

In this world, Power says that devils are instinctively born to hate humans.  

Denji falls asleep cradling Pochita as a child
Denji falls asleep cradling Pochita as a child

Based on what Hayakawa said, all Devil Hunters have a reason to risk their lives while trying to eradicate the hostile species.  

Denji however, is kind of an outlier in this entire situation. Not only did he make friends with Pochita the Devil, but now Denji is a human–devil hybrid that even others like the Bat Devil confuse for human. 

I think the human Public Safety devil hunters from the last episode thought Denji was human as well, and just found Power’s horns suspicious.  

Despite this, Power seemed to actually start caring for another being (Meowy) when given the chance.

Did anybody else really like Power's Blood Devil character design? It reminds me of Sesshomaru from Inuyasha for some reason
Did anybody else really like Power’s Blood Devil character design? It reminds me of Sesshomaru from Inuyasha for some reason

As did Pochita, who bonded with Denji and even cared enough to become the boy’s new heart. “Rare occurrences” like this make me wonder if devils really do hate humans as much as they profess to, or do they only dislike humans because they are primarily their prey? 

I don’t know if that is a weird thing to think about while watching the show, but I don’t think Denji is the super rare case Makima claims he and Pochita are. Fiends and Devils are apparently only unique to Japan based on Makima’s meeting with the government, but what if other places around the world all had top-secret programs like Japan? 

How would they know if devils and humans could or could not work together? 

Isn’t that why the experimental Special Division 4 was created? To test the hypothesis that hybrids and fiends can dispose of other devils without the cost (or loss) of human life? 

I don’t know, maybe I’m reading way too much into this series. It’s probably not that deep. 

Tell me your thoughts. 

Power takes care of a stray cat she finds and then develops a love for felines like every other anime protagonist
Power takes care of a stray cat she finds and then develops a love for felines like every other anime protagonist

Do you have any theories on why the Japanese government is experimenting with fiends and devil hybrids? 

What do you think happened between Makima and Power? 

Why does Aki hate Denji so much? 

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, we’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more Chainsaw Man Episode Reviews and Discussions!         

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☆ In Asian Spaces     

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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