Real Life Edelwood Tree from Over the Garden Wall Found in Forest?

Is there a correlation between Over the Garden Wall’s Edelwood Trees and the False Face Company of Iroquois legend?

So let me just preface this by saying that I’m not really a Bigfoot person, but it may actually correlate to the Edelwood Trees from the woods in Over the Garden Wall.

Why I Rarely Discuss Cryptids and Other Creatures

Sure, I know there are many strange things that happen in the woods – and that there are still primordial creatures that exist and live (or are returning) back to the forest – but I actively don’t talk about these things with people.

To be fair – I feel funny about even typing this and am currently fighting the urge to close this window out and just go to bed. But I don’t know…I feel like this bigfoot stuff is stalking me, haha.

For a while now, it’s been this weird thing where I watch something or see something and immediately equate it to something else I’ve watched or read about in the old histories/antiquarian sources. It’s to the point that it’s daily now, and although I see more and more people speaking about these sorts of things – I always wanted to remain quiet about it.

But even now, I wonder why I continue to do so? A lot of the bigfoot videos and other paranormal phenomena I come across online or read about – more often than not I feel like it’s genuine. These feelings are enhanced when the people making these videos, writing the articles – go missing or wind up dead.

Kenny Veach and the M Cave phenomenon. The ex-law enforcement dude who started searching for Kenny’s body, found the covered-up cave, and then began being gang-stalked by unmarked vehicles and has been suppressed off of YouTube.

The dude who filmed a giant on a mountaintop in Canada praying, and then when going to investigate was met with unmarked vehicles on the mountain roads. After a video where he seemed like he was being held hostage and under heavy surveillance, he made one last statement that what he found was real – and the next time we heard from him, it was his obituary in his local paper.

Or the Bigfoot guys who for some reason, YT and the comment sections of unrelated videos keep mentioning. Two of those men – who have utterly compelling footage taken here in America – are now dead. The latest I believe a few months ago, after stating that he felt like he was being followed by the entities to his home and complaining of headaches.

I don’t want to draw any negative attention to the YouTube channel I’m about to mention, but I happened to stumble upon mention of his channel in a completely unrelated comment section for a UK camper who had a strange experience in the woods, and people were offering advice.

(I’ve been really into bushcraft/camping/foraging and gardening videos the past few years since the pandemic, and despite the circumstances I’ve had going on in my life it’s been the single thing that’s brought me joy during the growing season.)

Woods, Portals, and Frequency in Over the Garden Wall

Now to the point of this post – Over the Garden Wall and it’s Edelwood trees.

A gnarly looking Edelwood Tree with multiple faces - or multiple spirits - trapped within...or peering out?
A gnarly looking Edelwood Tree with multiple faces – or multiple spirits – trapped within…or peering out?

Over the Garden Wall is a fantastic miniseries based on graphic novels and a short film (“Tome of the Unknown”) that I believe deals with (in my opinion) the spirit world, reincarnation, and the outer realms not currently tangible through our current reality.

That may sound a bit wordy – but to be blunt – I believe everything shown in that miniseries to be true, to a certain degree. Things can exist all together at once, but we are so currently disconnected, and fighting with the natural current and magnetic aether of the earth and its atmosphere with artificial frequencies like 5G, radio waves, and useless radiation lines that it blocks out much of the organic ‘magic’ we could probably witness if we got rid of those things.

That is why the forests – specifically the United States National Parks & Forests per 1919 – are such a hotbed for disappearances, portals, and paranormal phenomena. Never mind the tunnels that lead to the hotbeds of activity or the rampant human trafficking being facilitated by our government – there are some truly awful – yet wonderful – things residing in the forest. You just have to know where to look.

Over the Garden Wall switches through the planes of existence with ease, and all “time periods” blend together because in reality, time may not even exist. Just as we may not even really be in 2023 – but rather the 1500s, or even year 1000.

The Bigfoot. Nephilim and Edelwood Tree Connection

Woodsman collects Edelwood Tree oil for the Beast's lantern
Woodsman collects Edelwood Tree oil for the Beast’s lantern

The Beast in Over the Garden Wall traps the lost souls of weary travelers (i.e. spirits) and turns them into gnarly-looking Edelwood trees that excrete a black oil used to light his lantern.

So, you’re probably wondering where the hell Bigfoot comes into this mix, right?

Well…one of the men who passed away (may he rest in peace) mentioned a theory where he stated bigfoot creatures and other entities may be Nephilim. Which…honestly made a lot of sense.

Similarly to UFOS (or other flying objects – again I’m not really a “UFO/Alien” person but the government is shoving it down our thoughts in preparation for Project Blue Beam and since I can’t really discount the strange things I’ve been seeing in the sky these past years – I unfortunately know a lot about the subject now) bigfoots and other Nephilim creatures are able to utilize a ‘cloaking’ mechanism that hides their existence from our perception.

Think of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak – or the reverse-engineered government & military tech that can do this, as well.

The Book of Enoch, Giants, and Nephilim

Although I went to Catholic School from nursery through 8th grade, we only were ever taught about the New Testament and no offense to any practicing faiths that prescribe to those teachings – but I never believed any of that. (Today I have no religion, celebrate no holidays, and follow the “old ways” and spiritual practices of my culture.)

The past 3 – 4 years I’ve been really into reading the portion of the bible that always appealed to me – the Old Testament.

Especially the books that were taken out and hidden – like The Seal of Solomon, The Book of Jubilees, and (my favorite) The Book of Enoch. Which is why I wrote so much about the black cat Enoch in my Over the Garden Wall review – I thought it was so cool that the series touched on the highest in the order of angels and how Enoch helps lost souls find comfort across the realms in his feline form.

The Beast and the Woodsman fight over Greg's soul as he slowly becomes an Edelwood Tree
The Beast and the Woodsman fight over Greg’s soul as he slowly becomes an Edelwood Tree

For those of you unfamiliar – the Book of Enoch goes into the Order of Angels, their Council, and those that fell from grace and laid with women. They (fallen union) begat giants who became men of renown, the kings of civilizations, and the beasts and cannibals feared even to this day through the old histories and folklore.

The angels who laid with women – daughters of the most high – were imprisoned, formless, wandering spirits corrupted by their deeds.

The particularly wild giants that didn’t hide and weren’t completely destroyed by the flood were petrified – their faces can still be seen on “mountains” and other large stone carvings.

The women – were turned into sirens, who lure men to their deaths.

(I just came across a video on YouTube talking about the number of sirens in Haiti and it reminded me of the Book of Enoch yet again, haha.)

And then there are the animals…which we won’t discuss too much today haha.

Real Life Edelwood Tree from Over the Garden Wall Found in Forest?

With this in mind, let’s take a look at this picture from the Colorado Bigfoot YT page showing what looks like (to me) an Edelwood tree in the forest nearby a bigfoot entity that is being cloaked with help from other unknown beings.

Charlie Max's image of bigfoot/sasquatch resembles Eldelwood Trees from Over the Garden Wall
Charlie Max’s image of bigfoot/sasquatch resembles Edelwood Trees from Over the Garden Wall

As you can see, there is a dark, lurking being cloaked with some sort of satchel around his upper torso, and the ‘edelwood trees’ are nearby helping him – or simply just existing…who knows, haha.

The False Face Company

To wrap this up, I just wanted to share an excerpt from a book I downloaded a while ago and was recently flipping through. There is text on the page that can tie into and relate to Avatar the Last Airbender (Turtle Lion, Koh the Face Stealer), Game of Throne’s Weirwood Trees/”Faceless Men”, and also Attack on Titan’s Founding (Ceiba) tree, but for now let’s focus on this passage:

“…With the False Face Company, Hadigo sa sho o, for example, the Great Face, chief of all the False Faces, is said to be the invisible giant that guards the world tree (gaindowa ne). He rubs his turtle-shell rattle upon it to obtain its power, and this he imparts to all the visible false faces worn by the company. In visible token of this belief the members of the company rub their turtle rattles on pine-tree trunks, believing that thereby they become imbued with both the earth power and the sky power…”

Excerpt from The Constitution of the Five Nations by Arthur C. Parker (1916)

In (most) American cosmology, there is a central being upon which the world is balanced – usually a turtle – and this is where our country gets its old name “Turtle Island”.

In the Iroquois legends, there is an invisible giant that guards the world tree from harm. Utilizing the turtle shell, he uses the “cloaking” power of invisibility and imbues it unto his followers – who then can ‘become one’ with the tree and fuse with it – or wear a face on a tree?

Edelwood Tree and anomaly tree caught during possible bigfoot/sasquatch image comparison

Nephilim are able to display and utilize a degree of both ancient and primordial powers, depending on who their angelic parentage stems from. So, who is to say that this strain of Nephilim are not still in contact with the source – the world tree, perhaps – and retains a sort of ‘guardianship’ from beings like the Chief of False Faces, to hide their existence from our current world and protect their secret?

Maybe soon, there will be a day when the cryptids no longer hide from us, and we can communicate with them…or run away and try not to get eaten. Either option has a (degree) of likelihood to happen based on the way the world is going today.

But…tell me your thoughts.

Greg and Wirt fall asleep in the woods during winter - Wirt is the only one cold as he is slowly turning into an Edelwood Tree due to emotional turmoil
Greg and Wirt fall asleep in the woods during winter – Wirt is the only one cold as he is slowly turning into an Edelwood Tree due to emotional turmoil

What do you think the true nature of the Edelwood Trees are?

Do you believe that bigfoot, sasquatch, and other cryptids could have Nephilim DNA?

Have you ever heard of any local legends or folklore surrounding trees that made you really think twice about it?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, we’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more Over the Garden Wall theories and discussions!      

☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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