Eat Your Enemies – Delicious in Dungeon Ep 3 Review

Ever since his first defeat to a living armor monster, adventurer Laios has fantasized about eating one. What on earth has this anime become?

Casual cannibalism allusions aside, I take great comfort in the fact that the living armor Laios has fantasized about eating is in fact, just a mollusk.

(Albeit, a very fleshy and human-like one.)

Read our Delicious in Dungeon Episode 2 Review.

Delicious in Dungeon Episode 3 Review

Wow, another episode of Dungeon Meshi completely surprising me in regards to the plot.

Did anybody else seriously believe the living armor statues were just being animated using magic by a wizard hiding behind the grand doors? I mean if that was so, I feel like that would have taken a much darker tonal turn in regards to the adventurers cutting the armor to pieces, piercing it, and eating what was inside.

Honestly, just typing that out makes me feel some type of way.

I don’t know, there was something a little different about this episode. I know in the very first episode the show covered the concept of compost and dead things fueling our way of life, but the humanoid figure of the knight statues and the living armor helmet tasting of mold are just odd anecdotes to me. I guess that’s why I consider this casual cannibalism, because those suits of armor had to belong to somebody a long time ago.

Is Laios Secretly a Psychopath?

Alright, here me out here – I like Laios, and claimed he was a man after my own heart but now I am questioning his motives (alongside the rest of his party).

So, we get the backstory on Laios’ first encounter with the living armor creatures, and how he got the winged insignia he attached to his sword. Because Chilchuck has been absolutely whacking Laios’ sword at anything and everything brick or stone to defuse traps – which by the way, why doesn’t the little thief have his own sword or dagger? – the winged emblem on Laios’ sword has gone missing.

Laios clearly stated that the living armor terrified him – and that they caused his first death in their world. The man expressed that he couldn’t even be around them for a while due to this incident.

So pray tell, HOW ON EARTH does dying to a mysterious, terrible creature give you the urge to COOK AND EAT said creature not much later on in life?

Like seriously, how does the logic jump from “Wow this is terrifying” to “Hmm, I wonder how that tastes”? Like what?

And does this same logic of Laios’ apply to non-monster enemies as well?  Will there soon be a time when we see the jump from Laios eating monsters to wondering how he can enjoy human prey?

次のエピソード: Delicious in Dungeon Episode 4 Review

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☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

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