The Moon is Beautiful – Log Horizon S3 Ep 12 Review

This is a review of Log Horizon Season 3: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12, the Season Finale.

Check out last week’s episode review here

So Shiroe and Akatsuki do have feelings for each other! 

When I tell you my jaw dropped at his indirect confession about her…I really mean it! 

Seriously, that scene alone just made this entire season of Log Horizon worth it for me. 

I was already giddy when he mentioned feeling comfortable around her, because of their little moment and snack date in town around Episode 8. But then to directly show both the moon and Akatsuki at the same time in the same frame?  


I literally put fingers to my lips and blew kisses at the air during that scene. (After editing this I realized the gesture phrase I’m looking for is called a ‘chef’s kiss’) 

The complete cherry on top, I love it. 

I think most people know this, but the Japanese are not a very direct people.  

A lot of the language focuses on being indirect, while using body language to relay context.  So when a Japanese person says “I love you”, they can usually convey this emotion by mentioning that “the moon is beautiful” or, “The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” 

Two instances I’ve witnessed this in anime that I can think of from the top of my head are: 

The Zankyou no Terror Ferris Wheel scene confession between Lisa and Twelve

The moon comes out to shine from behind the clouds just as Lisa is about to hear something important from Twelve. The Zankyou no Terror Ferris Wheel Scene is intrinsically one of my most favored sequences in all  anime series I have ever viewed.
The moon comes out to shine from behind the clouds just as Lisa is about to hear something important from Twelve. The Zankyou no Terror Ferris Wheel Scene is intrinsically one of my most favored sequences in all anime series I have ever viewed.

and Subaru Natsuki literally every single time the moon is out (or even when it’s not) when talking to half-elf Emilia in Re Zero.  

Subaru looks up at the moon while Emilia stares at the ceiling. Re Zero S1 Episode 3
Subaru looks up at the moon while Emilia stares at the ceiling. Re Zero S1 Episode 3

Like I just finished watching Episode 3 and he tells her the moon is beautiful. Emilia, not being Japanese or understanding Subaru’s customs, asks him how can he see the moon while they are indoors. 

It was hilarious in more ways than one. 

Novelist Natsume Sōseki is commonly credited with bringing this understanding to Westerners. 

So to see Akatsuki and the moon in the same frame, and then see Shiroe turn back towards the light of the moon with it gently illuminating his face after rejecting Minori – was beautiful. 

The moon is beautiful, isn't it? Log Horizon Season 3, Episode 12
The moon is beautiful, isn’t it? Log Horizon Season 3, Episode 12

Also, shout out to Isuzu for being an absolutely terrible and shady friend. And to Rudy for trying to stop Isuzu from egging Minori on. 

I’m not being sarcastic when I say this, but I’m actually glad Isuzu had an ulterior motive for trying to push Minori to date Shiroe. 

We finally got Shiroe to be honest about, and recognize his feelings for Akatsuki from it. 

And the best thing – we can finally drop this kiddo thinking she is in love with an adult mentor storyline. 

Because quite frankly, I was sick of it and it’s gone on long enough. 

Akatsuki beating the Genius Eirenus by telling it what Shiroe was not, and pointing out all of his character flaws was a beautiful thing.  

Why? Because Akatsuki actually got to know Shiroe. They have a common understanding, and are comfortable with one another even in the silence between them. 

I loved hearing that, and I loved seeing it in action a few episodes ago. 

As opposed to the 14-year-old child Minori, who mistook her feelings of admiration for her mentor as real and actual love – when in reality she does not know him outside of a working relationship capacity.  

When they went on their little “date”, it was more Shiroe indulging her while needing to stock up on potions and other things for the guild. Minori mistook Shiroe’s kindness as a sort of mutual attraction against the actual goal of that outing. 

Compared to his social and age-appropriate peer Akatsuki, the two had a natural chemistry that was a joy to view on screen. A repertoire that has grown for years’ both on and off our computer screens. 

So for Minori to cry her eyes out and attest to her girl friends that she “really did love him” and that it “wasn’t admiration” seems like she was just kidding herself. 

I wonder if the Kanami puppet doll in the forefront of this scene means that just like Minori, Shiroe was infatuated with Kanami - and mistook his feelings of admiration for love? Log Horizon Season 3 Finale
I wonder if the Kanami puppet doll in the forefront of this scene means that just like Minori, Shiroe was infatuated with Kanami – and mistook his feelings of admiration for love? Log Horizon Season 3 Finale

If it was really love, and if everyone knew that, then why did your age-appropriate peers come and get you in a Log Horizon guild wagon so that you could cry your eyes out in privacy? 

But I guess, sometimes we all see what we want. 

While Minori thought that Akatsuki and Lelia were drawing the genius’ time for the raid party to recover, I saw and thought that they actually just got pissed off and their real feelings came out in a fury. 

Lelia is tired of being a trash-tier ‘Useless Sister’ of Izumo, and Akatsuki got tired of a broken animatronic telling her she admires the man she truly loves. 

Tetora being tasked to help the Izumo Sisters try to be more useful with another scale quest was actually hilarious. Shiroe remains a troll until the end, and I loved it. 

Man. I wish we got an arc climax like this midway through the season, but maybe that would have been asking for too much.  

Although, it just feels like we just got into the swing of things, with the old dymanic back and it’s already over. 


Ah, well. 

The face of a man in love with the moon. Shiroe from Log Horizon Season 3, (series) Finale
The face of a man in love with the moon. Shiroe from Log Horizon Season 3, (series) Finale

Do you think we’ll get an announcement for Log Horizon Season 4? Will the weirdness surrounding the relationship between Nyanta and Serara finally get nixed next? Are Akatsuki and Shiroe ‘endgame’? 

(Sorry to use that phrase, but I’ve been watching Riverdale cringe compilations again on YouTube in honor of Season 5. Veronica saying her and Archie are ‘endgame’ never gets old to me…)  

I feel so bad for those actors, sometimes. 


Thank you to all who came out and read these reviews!  

It was a slow season, but it’s been a lot of fun. If you enjoyed our reviews, we made a list of spring anime series we are most likely going to cover which can be viewed here

Thank you again, and if we hear about any more Log Horizon news, please think of our blog – I’ll most likely be doing weekly series reviews again if S4 does indeed happen! 

Leave your final thoughts about the season in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you! Also be sure to follow us for more than Log Horizon Season 3 Reviews! 

We are also creating Anime and Japanese fashion-inspired merchandise for fellow fans, Visit our Redbubble store if you have a chance – you get cool gear, and it helps support the blog!     

☆ In Asian Spaces  

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Author: In Asian Spaces

I write in my personal time and I haven't published much at all. I don't know if that qualifies me as a writer or not, but I'd like to change that. I have a deep passion for travel, cinema and (mainly) East Asian things, but I plan on writing various things to keep it spicy. Let's prosper together ~ よろしくおねがいします。

One thought on “The Moon is Beautiful – Log Horizon S3 Ep 12 Review”

  1. Aww finally, someone that made reviews for Log Horizon! Thank you so much, and yes, I totally agreed with you for the 12 episode’s review. Hope that the 4th season will release too.

    Liked by 1 person

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